Contact Us

Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.

Please feel free to reach out to us regarding any questions you might have about Ordo Templi Orientis, Vortex Oasis, membership and events.

Body Master: Davin Maki (he, him, his)

Davin has been a practicing occultist for over 15 years and a member of Vortex Oasis for over 10 years.
His interests include astrology, geomancy, medieval and Greek magic, goetia, and alchemy. To Davin, Thelema
is a school of mysticism steeped within an occult worldview as well as the writings and visionary accounts
of Aleister Crowley. His work, organizationally, with OTO is a reflection of his commitment to create
a safe space for people to discover and practice their true will, be free from undue influence, and be empowered
through the practice and use of magick.


EGC Coordinator: Doug Blake

Doug has been an active member of OTO since 1994. In the course of his studies, he became a chartered initiator and ordained Priest. Personal areas of interest include Qabalah, Ceremonial Magick, Historical Linguistics and Egyptology. Doug was consecrated as a Bishop of EGC in 2015 and enjoys the supervisory duties of that role. If you are interested in EGC Sacraments, the EGC Novitiate Program or serving in Mass at Vortex, please write.

Secretary: Frater Sidvs 93
Frater Sidvs has been long time member of OTO and Washington resident.
Their interests include Fung Shui, ceremonial magick, and astrology.

Initiation Secretary: Egypt Rose

Egypt Rose has been a member of OTO since July of 1994. She has served as an officer at Panurge Camp in Portland, OR in the mid 90s; as well as at Horizon Lodge and Vortex Oasis in Washington state over the past two decades. She is a past-master of Vortex Oasis. Egypt has written articles for Sky’s Embrace, lectured at NOTOCON, and organized fund-raising events. She enjoys participating in the Gnostic Mass, initiations, and fellowship.

Community Outreach Officer: Dian Hathaway
Dian Hathaway was is a past master and long time member of Vortex Oasis, as well as the Wiccan community in the greater Puget Sound region.

Love is the law, love under will.